4 Stats Proving Inbound Marketing Helps SEO and Site Traffic

Content Marketing

(Photo: writtenbysumer.com)

From my last post with stats on how consumers feel about content marketing, we know research has shown that consumers do appreciate businesses and brands that share content, and tend to make buying choices based on inbound marketing. So, doubters may now be wondering, does inbound marketing improve SEO and website traffic? The answer: yes!

Here are some stats that shed some light on how much websites love content marketing:

  1. Blogs give websites on average 434% more indexed pages and 97% more indexed links. (Inbound Writer)
  2. Year-over-year growth in unique site traffic is 7.8 times higher for content marketing leaders (19.7%) compared to followers (2.5%). (Kapost)
  3. Website conversion rate is nearly 6 times higher for content marketing adopters (2.9%) than non-adopters (0.5%). (Kapost)
  4. Inbound marketers double the average site conversion rate, from 6% to 12% total. (HubSpot)

These numbers paint a clear picture of power of content marketing. So, are you taking full advantage of the benefits that inbound and content marketing have to offer you and your bottom line? If not, contact a content marketing expert right away for more information on how to develop a strategy that works for you.

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